By E.W. Kenyon — March, 1903 Chicago, IL: There is probably no subject, at present, more alive and interesting to all classes of people than that of economics. It fills the very intellectual atmosphere we breathe, even attracting the attention of the unthinking. We hear it from rostrum, press and pulpit. It generally takes an …
Category Archive: Editorial Dept.
Mar 22
Funeral Foolishness
By Walter Collins — February, 1903 One of the most neglected questions that needs the attention of progressive people is funeral reform. The very first and most important step is to quit burying human bodies. Man is the only animal of his size that is permitted to pollute the earth in the very locality that …
Feb 26
President Roosevelt and the Kittens
Can a Freethinker Consistently Vote for Roosevelt for President? Editorial—September, 1902: If the Republican Party shall nominate Roosevelt for President, can any Free Thought Republican consistently vote for him, knowing the fact that in his book he called Thomas Paine a “dirty little atheist?” We had come very near deciding that he could not, when …
Feb 10
Irrepressible Economic Conflict
By E.W. Kenyon — July, 1902 Chicago, IL: If the signs of the times ripen into what they purport, there can be little question that the storm center of human advancement will be in the economic and industrial questions that are pressing with accelerated motion toward an equitable solution. That there is a profound and …
Dec 23
By George Allen White — December, 1901 My brothers, sisters, you who long for the reign of Truth and Right. Does it seem that the world is ruled by wrong, and that error is Infinite? Does it seem that the light of to-day is caught through the dim, low-windowed past? Yet know that Truth is …
Nov 26
President Roosevelt and Thomas Paine
By John E. Remsburg—March, 1902 Oak Mills, Kansas: President Roosevelt in his “Life of Gouverneur Morris” (p. 288), characterizes Thomas Paine, one of the founders of our Republic, a gentleman whose personal appearance and habits were above reproach, a man who was physically and intellectually as large as Mr. Roosevelt is, and a devout believer …
Oct 20
The Race Problem
By Samuel Roberts — July 1903 (Remarks by Samuel Roberts before the Men’s Club of the Universalist Church, 65th street and Stewart Avenue, Chicago, April 25, 1903) “All truth Is safe and nothing else is safe, and he who keeps back the truth or withholds It from men, from motives of expediency, is either a …
Oct 19
China: What The Viceroy Says
By Viceroy Li Hung Chang — August, 1900 From The Chicago American of July 8: The powers regard China as a pie from which they intend to cut themselves slices according to whim and appetite. Big guns give no title for the possession of a country. The will of the people is that title. The …
Oct 16
Women should read the Bible for Themselves
By Elizabeth Cady Stanton — November, 1900 Many years ago we desired to establish a Homeopathic College for women. A friend of mine, having inherited a million of dollars, I urged her to make a generous contribution for this purpose. She said she would consult her pastor, as she did in all her charities. After …
Oct 15
Distinguished Dodgers
By Marie Harrold Garrison — December, 1900 Before me lies “A Defense of Agnosticism,” by our widely celebrated, deeply loved, most sincerely respected and truly revered worker for universal liberty of thought and expression, George Jacob Holyoake. The above-mentioned article is in part a reply to my “Weeds and Agnostics,” which appeared in the Free …